Submitting a design for printing
- Persons wanting to use the 3D printer can submit their file via the 3D Printing Service request form (.stl or .obj file format, no larger than 25MB). Staff will add the model to the printing queue.
- The Library will view all files in Cura or other authorized slicing software before printing.
- Pickup time will be determined on a case by case basis (typically a function of print time estimate provided by slicing software plus a buffer for adjustments to correct printing errors). Items may be picked up at the Circulation Desk upon receipt of an email confirming request’s completion.
*Please note that procedures governing the use of the Library’s 3D printers are subject to change.
Design creation
- Creating a new design requires a knowledge of 3D modeling software products. Video tutorials can be of assistance.
- Any 3D drafting software may be used to create a design as long as the file can be saved in .stl or .obj file format.
- Skillman Library has computers with Adobe Photoshop which can be used to create a design. Online design programs such as can also be used.
- Digital designs also are available from various file-sharing databases such as and
Our printer
- The printer that we use is the Ender 3 S1 Pro which performs a Fused Filament Fabrication technique (also known as Fused Deposition Modeling – FDM) to create the final 3d printed object.
- The max print volume is 220 x 220 x 270 mm.
- Print resolution up to 40 microns (0.04mm) per layer.
Printing agreement
When submitting a 3D print job, you will be asked to complete a request form and sign agreement form. The agreement reads:
I acknowledge that my item(s) adhere to copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material and to Lafayette College’s computer use policies. I understand that the Library reserves the right to decline a print request that does not comply with the Library printing policy or takes longer than 7 hours to print.
I understand that the Library cannot guarantee a print time, however staff may be able to provide an estimate based upon the print queue length.
I understand that priority is given to students and also to class assignments; other requests will also be honored in the order received.
I understand that items printed that are not picked up with 14 days with become the property of the Library. Items must be picked up by the individual who printed them.
Any items listed under the Weapons and Hazardous Materials (pg. 17) of the student handbook or any items deemed unsafe by library staff will not printed.
It is the responsibility of the patron to insure that the print has all necessary supports for printing.