On January 29, 2018, the Library’s interlibrary loan department reached 200,000 transactions (combined lending and borrowing) since May 2006 when we switched to an online ILL system.
Faculty, staff and students wouldn’t get very far at Lafayette College without the Library’s interlibrary loan department. As impressive as our Library’s collection is of over 1 million print and electronic volumes and over 150 electronic databases, imagine a world where that was all you had access to in order to complete your research or assignments. No library in the world can survive just based on its own collection. Our interlibrary loan department is essential to the running of this College.
This department is very busy and with only one full time and one part time staff member, they do a lot of work. For the last academic year we lent 4,458 items (books, DVDs and articles) to other libraries and we borrowed 5,755 items for our patrons. Thank you Karen Haduck and Linda Corallo for all the hard work you do!