Digital Initiatives Librarian
118 Skillman Library

Janna is available for individual consultation, group workshops, topical lectures, and classroom partnerships. She partners with faculty to incorporate digital methods, platforms, tools, and critique into classroom teaching, workshops, and other programming open to the campus community. She has a particular interest in helping students explore their understanding, application, and critical assessment of digital tools. Students are very welcome and strongly encouraged to reach out for casual conversations exploring their curiosity related to all things digital and online.

Janna specializes in:

  • understanding and situating digital technology in its broader context (how things work and why they work that way),
  • applying multi-disciplinary critique to digital technological development (what it means that they work that way),
  • and acquiring digital technical skills (making things that work).

Her core disciplinary affiliations are information studies, digital humanities, digital media studies, critical Internet studies, and the history of computing and the web, but, as she likes to say, digital scholarship is discipline agnostic, and critical digital literacy skills enrich scholarship and research across all disciplinary fields. Folks from all disciplinary backgrounds are welcome to consult with her, and she will work with you to adapt her expertise to your needs and context.