- Master of Applied Science (Library and Information Management), Charles Sturt University
- Master of Environmental Management, University of New South Wales
- B.A. (Honors), Eckerd College, Double Major: Environmental Studies and Photography
Kylie oversees outreach, communications and the access services department for both Skillman and Kirby Libraries. She manages the day to day staffing and scheduling of full time and part time members of the access services team comprising circulation and interlibrary loans. She provides guidance on areas of space planning and facilities, events and programming, collection development, and also works with classes as a research and instruction librarian.
Selected presentations and professional development
- Pitts, K. (co-author Bailin, K) Expanding the Idea of Campus and Community Partnerships in an Academic Library, American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference & Exhibition | June 27 – July 2 2024, San Diego, CA.
- Bailin, K. & Pitts, K. Beyond Academics: Expanding the Idea of Campus/Community Partnerships in an Academic Library, Tri-state College Library Consortium (TCLC) Keynote Presentation | April 12, 2024.
- Bailin, K & Pitts, K. 2022, DE-Why? The Importance of Inclusion Initiatives in an Academic Library Setting, Access Services in Libraries Conference, Nov 15-17, 2022, Atlanta, GA.
- Bailin, K & Pitts, K. Values in Practice: Implementing Inclusion Initiatives in the Lafayette College Library, Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration (PALCI) Annual Meeting | May 12, 2022.
Selected publications
- Bailin, K., Jahre, B. & Morris, S. 2020. Bringing Magic to Exams with the College Finals Fairy, In R. L. Sittler and T. J. Rogerson (eds.), The Library Outreach Cookbook (pp. 198-200). Chicago: ACRL.
- Bailin, K., Jahre, B. & Morris S. Editors. 2018. Planning Academic Library Orientations: Case Studies from Around the World. Cambridge: Chandos.
- Bailin, K., Jahre, B. & Morris S. Hunger to change the game: Using assessment to continually evolve a library orientation. In Bailin, K., Jahre, B. & Morris S. (Eds). Planning Academic Library Orientations: Case Studies from Around the World. Cambridge: Chandos.
- Bailin, K. 2015, From “The Research Games” to tours: The evolution of first year orientation activities, College & Research Libraries News, 76(11), p. 586-589.
- O’Dwyer S. & Bailin, K. 2012, Imagine there’s no desk, Victorian Association of Library Automation (VALA) 2012, February 6-9 2012, Melbourne, Australia.
- Bailin, K. 2011, Changes in academic library space: A case study at the University of New South Wales, Australian Academic & Research Libraries, 42(4), pp 342-359.
Selected professional engagements
- Lafayette College Sustainability Committee
- Lafayette College Women in STEM (Minerva) Steering Committee