Sep 24, 2019
Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers
Digital newspaper collection of 13 newspapers covering the years of transition from imperial rule to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China…
Digital newspaper collection of 13 newspapers covering the years of transition from imperial rule to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China…
Digital archive of papers from two key East India Company employees. The papers cover the transfer of power from the Mughal Empire to the British Empire…
Collections of declassified documents covering US policy decisions around nuclear escalation and non-proliferation, the space race and military uses of…
Pamphlets, picture books, and other propaganda issued during the early years of the People’s Republic between 1947 and 1954.
Collection of specialized document archives. Most cover American history, but there are also collections covering Cuba (Feminism in Cuba), Mexico (Revolution…
Database of Japanese sources, including Asahi Shimbun, a major Japanese newspaper, from 1879-present (Full-text searching is available only from 1985 on)…
Digitized photographs of modern China mostly from collections in private hands outside that country.
Reproductions of British diplomatic reports from Japan. Provides descriptions and assessments of Japanese international relations, internal political and…
Reproductions of British diplomatic reports from Taiwan covering 100 years of Taiwanese history.
Reproductions of British diplomatic reports on Korea. The 14-volume set covers the Korean monarchy, Japanese rule, the split into North and South Korea…