Mar 23, 2011
Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective
Index of major journals in the humanities and social sciences.
Index of major journals in the humanities and social sciences.
Reports and other information for 56 countries (Europe, U.S., former Soviet republics) on hate crimes, racism, homophobia, anti-semitism, and related topics…
Gateway to digitized full-text historic newspapers from foreign countries and the U.S. (Note that resources followed by a dollar sign are subscription…
Data on the volume, origin, and types of aid and resource flows to over 150 developing countries and territories. From the OECD.
English translations of Middle Eastern media plus analysis of media reports.
Database of political information, documents, and links on Western Hemisphere politics, focusing on Latin America. From the Center for Latin American Studies…
A valuable resource for anyone wanting thoughtful coverage and analyses of international affairs. This site can be used not just for peace studies, but…
Full text of annual reports (2002 to present) detailing political and civil rights in countries and territories of the world. Includes “ratings of freedom…
News from Central and Eastern Europe and countries of the former Soviet Union. Includes searchable archive back to 1994 and annual country surveys covering…
Reports written by the Congressional Research Service for members of Congress on policy issues.