Indexes journal articles, book reviews, and dissertations on the history and culture of the United States and Canada. Subjects include area studies, folklore, government, historiography, political science, popular culture, and urban history.
Major collection of primary sources on American history from the times of the earliest settlers until the end of World War II.
Skillman Library's links to major indexes and full-text collections covering multiple periods of United States history.
Large collection of primary sources split into two parts. Part I covers the documented history, sociology, and culture of Indigenous peoples across the US and Canada from the age of invasion and colonization through western settlement and forced displacement. Part II presents the record and sometimes-troubled history of the Indian Rights Association, an organization founded by White philanthropists that attempted to advocate for Indigenous rights.
In depth articles on major topics and trends relating to the study of American history. Written (and periodically updated) by scholars and peer-reviewed.
Archive of primary sources documenting movements for women's rights throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century, including movements for suffrage and reproductive rights.
Digitized images from American magazines and journals that originated between 1741 and 1940. Includes general interest magazines, children's publications, women's magazines, and literary and professional journals.
Digitized collection of Spanish-language newspapers printed in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries. Includes many titles published bilingually in Spanish and English.
Selective gateway to online U.S. history resources. Also includes first-person, primary documents and teaching resources. Searchable by keyword or topic.
Digitized cover-to-cover archive of Life, an important photojournalism magazine. Includes advertisements as well as articles.
Electronic index to millions of articles published in over 6,000 periodicals in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, covering more than 300 years.
Index of articles published in many different popular press magazines from 1890 through 1982.
Vast collection of documents relating to the global slave trade and subsequent abolition efforts and social justice movements. Documents include manuscripts, court records, maps, lists of slaves and ships' logs, books, statistics, and many types of images.
Collection of primary sources about 20th century radicalism in the United States from the Michigan State University Libraries. Includes resources related to the A.I.M., Asian Americans, birth control, the Black Panthers, the Hollywood Ten, the I.W.W., the Ku Klux Klan, the Rosenberg Case, Sacco and Vanzetti, the Scottsboro Boys, the S.D.S., and Wounded Knee.
Collection of over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Focus is on radio, television, transportation, beauty and hygiene, and World War II. See Emergence of Advertising in America for advertisements from 1850-1920.
Primary source material on race relations across social, political, cultural and religious arenas from the mid-nineteenth century through the twentieth century. Focuses primarily on New York, Chicago, Atlanta, and North Carolina.
Database of hundreds of prison newspapers from across the U.S. representing penal institutions of all kinds, with special attention paid to women's-only institutions. From Reveal Digital, a library crowdfunded open access initiative.
Collection of newspapers published in prisons by incarcerated persons. Still a work-in-progress, but will eventually include hundreds of prison newspapers from across the country from penal institutions of all kinds, with special attention paid to women's-only institutions.
Collection of nearly 19,000 newspapers covering the experience and impact of Asian Americans as recorded by the American and international news media -- majority of titles are U.S.-based.
Hundreds of primary source documents, photographs, drawings, maps, and other American history materials drawn from the holdings of the National Archives. Large collections on aviation and space, civil rights, Civil War, founders and founding documents, presidents, and World War II. Images can be used in papers and presentations.
Primary sources charting the rise and fall of empires, from the explorations of Columbus, Captain Cook, and others to decolonization in the second half of the twentieth century. Includes perspectives from colonizers as well as indigenous peoples from Africa, India and North America.
Collection of primary source documents from Presidential libraries, Departments of State and Defense, NSA, CIA, AID, foreign affairs agencies, and private papers of individuals involved in formulating U.S. foreign policy. Selected volumes online. Complete print version available in Skillman Library (Call No. JX 233 .A3).
Primary sources such as manuscripts/diaries, rare books, maps, paintings, advertisements, company records, etc., covering the global history of 15 major commodities: chocolate, coffee, cotton, fur, energy, opium, porcelain, silver & gold, spices, sugar, tea, timber, tobacco, wheat, wine & spirits. Also includes data on energy production, consumption, and reserves by country from 1965 to the present.
Collection of over 200 United States government publications primarily related to the home front during the war.
Compilation of U.S. treaties, laws, and executive orders pertaining to Indigenous peoples and tribes from 1778 to 1971.
Primary sources relating to indigenous history in the United States, Canada and Mexico from earliest contact with Europeans through the late twentieth century. From the Ayer Collection at the Newberry Library. Can be searched jointly with the American West collection.
Coverage: 1828-2016
Collection of 42 newspapers from Indigenous peoples of the US and Canada covering 1828-2016.
Gateway to a variety of film and video collections, including a collection of newsreels produced from 1929-1967 and short, ephemeral films from the Prelinger Archive documenting everyday life, culture, industry, and institutions in the United States from 1927 to 1987.
Archive of documents highlighting the Jewish American culture, identity, and experiences, sourced from the American Jewish Historical Society.
Full text of eleven decisions reflecting the Supreme Court's changing attitude toward race, from Scott v. Sanford to Brown v. Board of Education.
Images of 600+ health-related advertisements printed in newspapers and magazines from the 1910s to the 1950s. Ads illustrate the variety and evolution of marketing images for a wide range of products, such as: household cleaners, vitamins, pain relievers, and diet aids. Also includes historical documents (i.e. reports, editorials, radio scripts) that relate to the creation and influence of health-related advertisements.
Major collection of oral histories, personal accounts, correspondence, shipping records, and many other primary sources covering the experience of migration from Europe and Asia to the United States, Canada, Caribbean, Australia and New Zealand.
Collection of online exhibitions about New York City.
Collection of primary sources on the racial segregation in Charlottesville, Virginia, from the late 1880s to the mid-20th century. Includes images, newspaper articles, census records, city directories, political broadsides, and maps.
Collection of oral histories documenting the wartime activities of Rutgers College alumni and Douglas College alumnae.
Digitized newspapers published for WWII soldiers. Strength in US and UK but expands beyond this to cover Allied and Axis armies from around the world.
Collection of primary source material related to the Social Security Administration from the 1930s to the present. Includes a detailed chronology, reports and studies, speeches and articles, Presidential statements, legislative histories, oral histories, and public information materials.
Digitized trade catalogues highlighting American consumerism, marketing, manufacturing, and home life in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Diaries and correspondence, plus some illustrations, describing the motivations for and experiences of travel by 19th & 20th century American women to destinations across the globe.