Access to current articles/issues of The Atlantic, a prominent, longstanding U.S. magazine covering political issues. We also have access to the archives from 1857-2014.
Current access to over 2,800 titles from the US and across the world, plus archival access to many of the same titles. Covers newspapers, newswires, and transcripts in 13 different languages.
Coverage: 1870-present
Searchable full-text database of Lafayette's college newspaper.
The full text of the Morning Call, Allentown's local daily newspaper.
Coverage: 1851-2019
Cover-to-cover, full image backfile of the New York Times from the first issue through 2019.
New York Times website. To access articles beyond the 10 per month that NYT makes freely available, use Lafayette's "passes": visit and use your Lafayette email address to create an account and/or log on. After registering, students have full access through December of their graduation year. Faculty and staff will claim a pass that can be renewed after 4 years.
Current issues (limited to most recent 90 days) of newspapers and magazines in a full color, easy to navigate online display. Publications can be read on a browser or using the PressReader app for phone or tablet.
Cover-to-cover, full image backfiles of the New York Times (1851-2019), Chicago Tribune (1849-1998), Los Angeles Times (1881-1999), Philadelphia Inquirer (1860-2001), Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (1786-2003), Wall Street Journal (1889-2011), and Washington Post (1877-2006).
Coverage: 1984-present
The Washington Post website access. Note: to access via the app and/or save stories, please visit our page with instructions on how to create an account.
Full text of African American newspapers from the 19th century.
Interface that allows you to search across four digitized newspaper collections: Early American Newspapers Series 1 and 2, 1690-1900; African American Newspapers, 1827-1998 and Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980.
Collection of newspapers published in prisons by incarcerated persons. Still a work-in-progress, but will eventually include hundreds of prison newspapers from across the country from penal institutions of all kinds, with special attention paid to women's-only institutions.
Online version of the Associated Press' style guide. Includes the ability to create your own custom guide and notes on entries (requires registering a personal account).
Database of Japanese sources, including Asahi Shimbun, a major Japanese newspaper, from 1879-present (Full-text searching is available only from 1985 on). Also includes two weekly magazines, AERA and Shukan Asahi; a historical photo archive of 10,000 photos mostly taken in Asia during World War II; the pictorial magazine Asahi Graph (1923-45); two reference sources: Who's Who database and Dictionary Chiezo; and an English language news database.
Collection of nearly 19,000 newspapers covering the experience and impact of Asian Americans as recorded by the American and international news media -- majority of titles are U.S.-based.
Digitized cover-to-cover archive of The Atlantic, a prominent, longstanding U.S. magazine covering political issues through literary and cultural commentary. Access is also available to current articles/issues on
Full text of several historical Brooklyn newspapers, including the Brooklyn Daily Eagle (1841 – 1963).
Digital collection of early English news media from the 17th and 18th centuries. Includes pamphlets, broadsides, periodicals, and an extensive collection of London newspapers.
Digitized collection from the American Antiquarian Society covering over 140 titles from 22 islands -- languages evenly spread among English, Spanish, and French.
Coverage: 1849-1998
Electronic backfile of the Chicago Tribune from the first issue through 1998.
Allows you to search and view newspaper pages from 1777-1922 and find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. From the Library of Congress.
Digital archive of German-language Jewish newspapers and periodicals, ca. 1768 - 1938, in Germany, Austria, and elsewhere in Central Europe. Covers religious, political, social, cultural, and academic aspects of Jewish life.
Collection of 3 English-language newspapers covering post-colonial and contemporary events in the region, with more titles to be added. As of July 2021 titles are: Daily Nation (Kenya), The Ethiopian Herald, and The Monitor (Uganda).
Full-text of magazines and newspapers providing a broad representation of print journalism in the eighteenth century. Most titles are British, but the collection also includes titles from from Canada, the Caribbean, India, and France. Minimal overlap with materials in other collections such as Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), The Burney Collection, etc.
Digitized archive of El Caribe, one of the Dominican Republic's main daily newspapers, covering events in the DR and across the Caribbean region. In Spanish.
Online home for content from The Express-Times, an Easton based newspaper covering the Lehigh Valley.
Digitized collection of Spanish-language newspapers printed in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries. Includes many titles published bilingually in Spanish and English.
Collection of digitized, searchable Russian language newspapers covering the 18th through the early 20th centuries.
Over 1,000 titles providing local, regional, and state-wide coverage of Mexico's revolutionary and independence periods. Almost all titles are in Spanish, with a handful of coverage in English or other languages.
Open Access collection of over 1,000 alternative press newspapers, magazines, and journals from the 1960s-80s focused on the following series: Feminism; LGBTQ; Ethnicity and Race; Campus/community; GI Press; Small literary magazines; Right-wing press.
Coverage: 1828-2016
Collection of 42 newspapers from Indigenous peoples of the US and Canada covering 1828-2016.
Digital newspaper collection of 13 newspapers covering the years of transition from imperial rule to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Searchable in Chinese only.
Collection of digitized Latin American newspapers published in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Features titles from across South and Central America as well as parts of the Caribbean and Africa. Most of the content is in Spanish, with some in Portuguese or English.
Digital news platform covering Lehigh and Northampton Counties, run by Lehigh Valley Public Media.
Electronic edition of The Times of London.
Electronic backfile of the Los Angeles Times from the first issue through 1999.
Growing collection of 15 titles, mainly in Arabic but some English and/or French as well. When complete will cover "the decline of colonialism, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Suez Crisis, the Cold War, the rise of the petroleum industry, twentieth-century pan-Arab movements, both World Wars, the establishment of the state of Israel, the Iran-Iraq War, and the recent Arab Spring."
Full text, full page archive of National Geographic from the first issue through 2015. Pages have been digitized in color, including advertisements, and has features to browse search by image or browse by issue.
Gateway to digitized full-text historic newspapers from foreign countries and the U.S. (Note that resources followed by a dollar sign are subscription resources and may not be available at Lafayette.)
Gateway to online digitized historical newspaper content from newspapers published in the United States and the Caribbean.
Digital collection of early English news media from the 17th and 18th centuries. Includes an extensive collection of English newspapers as well as pamphlets, broadsides, and periodicals.
Searchable full text of some Pennsylvania newspapers from 1831 to 1877. From the Penn State Libraries.
Coverage: 1860 - 2001
Cover-to-cover, full image backfile of the Philadelphia Inquirer from the first issue through 2001.
Coverage: 1786-2003
Cover-to-cover, full image backfile of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from the first issue through 2003.
Digitized newspapers published for WWII soldiers. Strength in US and UK but expands beyond this to cover Allied and Axis armies from around the world.
Open Access collection of 10 newspapers covering the British Raj, independence movements, early statehood and into the present day, across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Most titles are in English, with one title each in Bengali, Dari, and Nepali.
Coverage: 1903-2001
Electronic backfile of the South China Morning Post, an English-language newspaper published in Hong Kong, from the first issue through 2001.
Digital collection of over 60 newspapers primarily from Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam. Languages include Vietnamese, English, French, Dutch, and a handful of titles in Filipino, Indonesian, Cebuano, Javanese, and more.
Digitized collection of 5 newspapers (mostly in Ukrainian, 1 in Russian) covering Ukraine in the early 20th century.
Cover-to-cover, full image backfile of the Washington Post from the first issue through 2006.
Digital archive of The Yomiuri Shimbun, the leading Japanese daily newspaper. Covers the years 1874-present, and includes The Japan News, the English-language version of The Yomiuri Shimbun, from 1989-present.