Placing materials on reserve

A wide variety of materials may be placed on reserve at the Lafayette College Libraries including books, DVDs, photocopies, and problem sets with solutions. These materials may be personal copies or library copies. Materials owned by other libraries may not be placed on reserve.

To place materials on reserve, complete a Course Reserves Form. You are encouraged to place materials on reserve before the start of the semester. Personal copies placed on reserve will be returned to you at the end of each semester.

Faculty can reserve films for classroom use by contacting, weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for assistance. We recommend reserving films well in advance so as to ensure their availability by the date needed.

Copyright compliance

Faculty are responsible for complying with copyright law for single or multiple copies of periodical articles and chapters of books. Under the fair use provision, photocopies of these materials may sometimes be made without obtaining permission from the copyright owner.

Some Guidelines:

  • Reserve copies should include any copyright notice on the original, complete citation and attributions to the source, and a section 108(f)(l) copyright notice.
  • Access to copies should be limited to students enrolled in the class and administrative staff as needed. Access will be terminated at the end of the class term.
  • Photocopies of entire works and course packs will not be placed on reserve.

If you have further questions about copyright, please refer to the following Web sites: