Major Research Tools

Dow Jones Barron's & MarketWatch


Website version of the magazine featuring investing analysis, global market insights, news briefs, and a market data center. [Note: users must register an account and then sign in at ]



Coverage: 1886-present

Indexes articles in more than 600 economics journals as well as working papers, books, and dissertations.



A collection of economics working papers, journal articles, and software.

EH.Net Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History

Full-Text, Reference

Encyclopedia of peer-reviewed entries written by experts in the field. Still a work-in-progress.

Fed in Print

Full-Text, Index

Index of Federal Reserve research publications. For most publications from the early 1990s to the present, includes links to full text.

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

Full-Text, Reference

Revision (c.2008) of the classic first edition. Features new articles and biographies contributed by scholars from around the world on a wide array of global topics in the social sciences.

Morningstar Investing Center

Data, Full-Text

Comprehensive stock database that includes company financial data and research reports, data and analyst reports on mutual, closed-end, and exchange-traded funds, and investment tools such as portfolio builders, savings calculators, and risk analyzers.

NBER Working Papers


Coverage: 1973-present

Searchable, full-text database of working papers from the National Bureau of Economic Research.

SSRN eLibrary Database

Full-Text, Index

Searchable database of working and accepted papers on accounting, economics, financial economics, and management. Provides abstracts and, in some cases, links to full text.

Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage

Data, Full-Text

Database of business and investment information, including company profiles, financial data, and stock, bond, and mutual fund reports. Includes S&P's Industry Surveys and Register of Corporations.

Wall Street Journal via ProQuest


Coverage: 1984-present

Full text of the Wall Street Journal. Includes limited images, charts and tables.

Web of Science: Social Sciences Citation Index

Coverage: 1955-present

Index covering the journal literature of the social sciences. Allows you to search for a topic, an author, or for articles that cite a known author or work.

Other Suggested Research Tools

Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective


Coverage: 1907-1984

Index of major journals in the humanities and social sciences.


Tool that combines demographic, economic, geographic and a variety of other data with robust mapping and analytics. Create maps (up to five layers), export trend charts, download data, generate reports, or upload your data to overlap with PolicyMap data.