Collections of reproduced documents, usually related by topic or place of origin.

Suggested resources

Research tools by subject
Selective list of online resources evaluated by Lafayette’s reference librarians. Collections of digitized primary sources are included for many topics, particularly in the history subject pages.

Library catalog searches

Use the table below to develop search strings for locating primary source bibliographies and collections in library catalogs.

Searching for . . . Enter this phrase + modifier(s)modifier(s)
any topic sources or document* and [ethnic group]
documents by place [location] and history and sources
domestic politics sources and (politics and government) and [ethnic group]
foreign affairs sources and foreign relations and [country]

Sample searches:

  • (sources or document*) and race relations and united states
  • sources and (politics and government) and france
Keyword type Examples
[ethnic group] african american*
hispanic american*
[event] holocaust jewish 1939 1945
tiananmen square incident
world’s columbian exposition
[gender] women*
[location] easton
north america
pacific northwest
united states
[nationality] american
[topic] race relations
[war] napoleonic wars
united states history revolution 1775 1783
vietnamese conflict