Numerical data that has been gathered to analyze relations between people, events, and their environments.

Suggested resources

Statistical Abstract of the United States
Skillman Ref Desk HA 202 .A3x
Standard annual summary of social, political, and economic statistics of the U.S. Source notes at the end of each table can lead to additional, more detailed sources.

Historical Statistics of the United States
Demographic, economic, and social statistics of the United States from colonial times to the end of the 20th century. Data can be searched, downloaded, and graphed.

Selective list of online statistical resources for the United States most often used by Skillman reference staff.

Selective list of online statistical resources for the world most often used by Skillman reference staff.

iPoll Databank
Database of U.S. national public opinion surveys from 1935 to the present

Sources for Pennsylvania State Data
Selective list of online and print resources for locating state data.

Library catalog searches

Use the table below to develop search strings for locating primary source bibliographies and collections in library catalogs.

Searching for . . . Enter this phrase + modifier(s)
statistical collections statistics and [ethnic group]

Sample searches:

  • statistics and labor
  • statistics and african americans
Keyword type Examples
[ethnic group] african american*
hispanic american*
[event] holocaust jewish 1939 1945
tiananmen square incident
world’s columbian exposition
[gender] women*
[location] easton
north america
pacific northwest
united states
[nationality] american
[topic] race relations
[war] napoleonic wars
united states history revolution 1775 1783
vietnamese conflict