Art and Architecture Complete

  • Index of journals, magazines, and other publications covering art and related fields.
  • You’ll find it more effective than OneSearch because it will only return results related to art.
  • Start by searching for the names of your artists rather than the titles of their works.
  • If you’re not finding the full-text of an article, click on the FullTextFinder button. If you still don’t see a link to full-text, select the option to request the article via interlibrary loan and it will be delivered to you electronically.

Oxford Art Online

  • Authoritative reference works on art, including Grove Art Online and Benezit Dictionary of Artists.
  • You probably won’t find an entry for all of your artists in this resource, but if you do find one, it’s an indication of the artist’s prominence.

ArtStor Digital Library

  • Large collection of art images.
  • Each image has extensive item details, which usually include information about where the work has been exhibited or the museum or other institution that holds it, which can be an indication of the artist’s prominence.

Library Catalog

  • Database of all books, periodicals, and video materials available at Skillman and Kibrary Libraries. Includes information on all digital materials.
  • Search for the name of your artists. You might find some digital materials available, particularly films. For example, here’s a streaming film about David Hockney.
  • For some artists, you might only find print books in our catalog. If you’re having trouble finding materials about your artists, but see print books that look promising, email me (Terese Heidenwolf) because we might be able to digitize portions of the books and send them to you electronically.

Global Newsstream

  • Full-text of over 2,800 newspapers and newswires from the US and across the world.
  • Useful for findings news of exhibits, art shows, and artist appearances.
  • When your results are returned, use the limit on the side to sort by relevance.
  • If your artist has a common name (e.g. Richard Patterson), try adding the name of the artwork or the word “art” to your search so you’re not overwhelmed by irrelevant results.

More Help

  • Don’t worry if you can’t find information on a particular artwork. If you find information about the artist or their other works, you can use that to make inferences about the artist’s reputation and the value of their work.
  • If you’re stuck or feel like you don’t have enough information, email me (Terese Heidenwolf) and I can help.