General reference sources for annotations

OED: Oxford English Dictionary
Historical dictionary that “traces a word from its beginnings to the present, showing the varied and changing ways in which it has been used and illustrating the changes with quotations which add to the historical and linguistic record. This can mean that the first sense shown is long obsolete, and that the modern use falls much later in the entry.”

Oxford Reference Online
Collection of reference works from Oxford University Press on a wide variety of topics. Includes Oxford Companion to United States History and Oxford Companion to American Military History. Also includes English dictionaries and bilingual dictionaries.

Britannica Online
Web version of Encyclopaedia Britannica.

American National Biography Online
Scholarly biographical articles on people who have influenced American history and culture. (Does not include information on people still living.)

Civil War reference sources for annotations

Below are some examples of sources available. For more, browse the E400 through E600 call number section in Skillman reference.

Oxford encyclopedia of the Civil War

Encyclopedia of the American Civil War. Ref E468 .H47 2000

Every day of the Civil War. Ref E468.3 .H35 2010

Language of the Civil War. Ref E468.9 .W755 2001

Encyclopedia of the Confederacy. Ref E487 .E55 1993

Sources for literary criticism and literary reference works

Gale Literary Sources
Two databases — Literature Resource Center and LitFinder — for researching authors and their works, literary movements and genres. Contains full text of literary works, journal articles, literary criticism, reviews, and biographical information.

Literature Online
Searchable archive of literary texts and complementary reference resources.

Lafayette Library Catalog
Find books that are devoted to criticism of an author or literary work by performing a subject search (not an author search) for the author you are researching. Enter the last name first (e.g., whitman walt). Look for the subheading “criticism and interpretation” to find books that analyze an author’s works. Look for a subheading that includes a title to find books about an individual work (e.g., whitman walt leaves of grass).

MLA International Bibliography
Index of scholarly articles, edited books, and dissertations on literature, languages, film studies and folklore.