If you’re looking for help finding the information you need to complete a paper or other assignment, request a virtual or in person Personalized Research Assistance (PRA) session. It’s a chance to meet with a research librarian and get help with library research. The librarian will talk with you about your assignment and the type of information you need, guide you to the databases and other library resources that will be most fruitful for your research, and show you how to use them. We can also help you acquire hard-to-find materials, give you ideas for locating primary sources, and show you how to evaluate online information.

Just use the PRA Request Form and you’ll hear back from a librarian soon.

“It may feel impossible, but sometimes, you just have to take the first step, even before you’re ready.”

Don’t wait until the last minute to worry about your assignment! Lafayette’s research librarians can help you navigate a sea of information with a Personalized Research Assistance (PRA) session. We’ll help you find the books, articles, and other sources you need to get started on your assignment. From one dragon nerd to another, PRAya can help you search the world for the gem of information you need to unite all your ideas.