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National Geographic Virtual Archive

Coverage: 1888-2015

Full text, full page archive of National Geographic from the first issue through 2015. Pages have been digitized in color, including advertisements, and has features to browse search by image or browse by issue.

National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)

Data, Gateway

NHGIS is a data portal for U.S. Census data in both tabular and geospatial formats. It provides access to summary statistics and GIS boundary files for population and agricultural censuses and other nationwide surveys from 1790 through the present. Alternatively, for a user-friendly online mapping interface connected to this same data see Social Explorer. Complete


Full text access to most of Nature publishing group's journals, including current and archival access to Nature and Scientific American.

Naxos Music Library

Audio collection covering classical, jazz, and world music, with particular strength in 20th and 21st century composers. Users can create playlists and can download the free NML iPhone app to listen to their playlists remotely.

NBER Working Papers


Coverage: 1973-present

Searchable, full-text database of working papers from the National Bureau of Economic Research.

New Oxford Shakespeare Online


Combines the Oxford Modern Critical Editions, Critical Reference Editions, and Authorship Companions for all of Shakespeare's works, including sonnets and other verse. Each work is accompanied by extensive notes and critical commentary, and can be read in the original or modern spelling.

New York Academy of Science Archives

Coverage: 1817-present

Digitized archives including the Academy's records, minutes, and memos, as well as the papers of Academy members and Fellows, which include scientific journals and correspondence detailing scientific findings.

New York Review of Books

Coverage: 1963-present

Full text of the New York Review of Books back to its first issue. Includes lengthy book reviews plus essays by major writers on politics, literature, and culture.

New York Times historical backfile


Coverage: 1851-2019

Cover-to-cover, full image backfile of the New York Times from the first issue through 2019.

New York


New York Times website. To access articles beyond the 10 per month that NYT makes freely available, use Lafayette's "passes": visit and use your Lafayette email address to create an account and/or log on. After registering, students have full access through December of their graduation year. Faculty and staff will claim a pass that can be renewed after 4 years.

Nichols Collection of Newspapers

Coverage: 1672-1737

Digital collection of early English news media from the 17th and 18th centuries. Includes an extensive collection of English newspapers as well as pamphlets, broadsides, and periodicals.